Dear friends
Thank you so much for welcoming us into your personal space over the last eight years. We have shared moments of great joy, but also moments of great sadness and challenge. We danced together and we cried together. And together we have shaped each other. Because of our interactions, we will never be the same again.
What I value most, is the many conversations we had over a cup of tea. Yes, the English cuppa contributed so much to relationship building during our time here (and to my growing tummy). I have learnt so much about you, about the church and Northampton culture over a cuppa together.
In my hometown, we call a cuppa, Gjeel Tee. It is basically the same as a builders cup – but with mint (and for those who prefer it sweet, some condensed milk). I have learnt from some Kenyans that they add spices (masala) to their cuppa. It is really great (if you try it and get used to it). Over a cuppa, I have discovered that there are so many ways to drink one’s tea. It has taught me so much about people and their cultural practices and personal stories.
The simple cuppa can be a very missional activity. It can build bridges. It can facilitate great conversation and personal relationships. I encourage you to not underestimate the role that the simple cup of tea can play in the mission of the church as you move into the many unknowns that you face as a people called Methodist here in Northampton. As we have our early morning cuppa (learning to mash it instead of brewing it), every day, we will hold you in our hearts and prayers.
Cuppa Grace
Shall we have a builders Cuppa
Or a lekker Gjeel Tee
Do you prefer aromatic masala
Your milk after or before
Kompo ya tshayi
Consumed in a myriad of ways
But giving collective pleasure
It just never seizes to amaze
That a cuppa can pull us together
!Guni mu te i
Giving a Cuppa Tea
Breaking down barriers
Unconsciously becoming carriers
Of God’s enveloping grace.
Inkomitsho yetiye
For those at the end of their rope
Sharing stories from our past
Finding courage for what lies ahead
Give a Cuppa Hope
gikombe gia Sai
For those not feeling enough
Creating spaces to talk
Sharing in each other’s walk
Share a Cuppa Love
(Ke) Kikombe cha Chai
Give a cuppa hope
Showing unmerited kindness
Sharing underserved benevolence
Share a cuppa love
A fresh brew
Model something better
Pull out all the stops
With untiring persistence
Make way for doing things together
une tasse de thé
The greatest of these is love
Make the time
Give a cuppa Grace.
Your brother in Christ